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Saturday, September 12, 2015

Victorian Encampment Expansion on a Budget

Our military group 'Adelaide Regiment of Volunteer Rifles' has been steadily growing over the last two years. While it is amazing to add to the ranks at events, it can also cause difficulties. Every year we attend multiple encampments. When we started it was just Nic and myself. This made things very easy for me to set up camp. We then had Danee join us. Two years later we had my father also join us. This year we now have 3 plus further members joining us. We also have friends staying in the modern encampment area. This will make it one of the best camps ever *fingers crossed*. 

Unfortunately, everything in life has a catch. We have been working hard over the last 5 years to be progressive and improve our encampment. With high numbers of new members who have never been on encampment before and are not sure if they will again, it creates work for me. I will need to preserve and prepare enough food for double the number of people. Thankfully, I was able to buy a huge boiler last year. This is something I am looking forward to. 

Keeping the camp free of obviously modern furniture is harder. We have had to make some compromises. The encampment is often wet and seating is required, so on top of my period folding chairs I have had to source 4 more chairs. Nic picked up canvas folding stools from the op shop for only a few dollars each. I removed the covers, linseed oiled the wood and then covered over the canvas. They are not perfect, but are a far nicer compromise than modern plastic folding chairs.

Next, I plan to sew some mattresses that they can stuff with straw.

Covering the canvas.

The finished chairs.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bygone Millinery

For a while now I have been thinking about my millinery projects. Many of my hats, bonnets and caps have not ended up in posts due to my being time poor. In the past I have made some of these as gifts for friends. Last year, however, I sold an old bonnet that never suited my skin colouring. I had a lot of interest and received a lot of positive feedback regarding my bonnet design and construction. I also had requests for making items as trade deals and as purchased items. As a result I started my new hobby business 'Bygone Millinery'.

At the moment I am working on a few custom orders. Once they are completed I hope to make other items purely for sale as completed items. Below are a bonnet and cap that I have for sale currently, as well as a few items that I have made and not had time to post about this year. I also hope to post more how to posts in the coming months.

 Currently for Sale - Contact Me on the Facebook Link
Currently for Sale - Contact Me on the Facebook Link
 Custom Made Order
 My New Straw Sun Hat
Custom Ordered
Custom Ordered

Busy Busy

This year has been very busy for me. I was blessed enough to gain a full time contract. It is a lot more work teaching full time and being responsible for the well-being and education of 20 amazing individuals. This leaves very little time for myself. I was also blessed enough to be granted permission to take leave from my work to attend the Anniversaries of the Battles of Ligny and Waterloo in Belgium. It was a very rushed trip as I only had 13 days in Europe.

I was privileged to be allowed onto the battlefield on the Saturday. Being a part of such a large scale reenactment was amazing. Its hard to describe the feeling of seeing that many men in the French lines. I was also lucky enough to get copies of these photos showing me taking care of the troops.

I am currently in the process of tailoring a new Brunswick Lieb Battalion private's jacket to send to Pakistan to have mass produced at a far smaller price than they currently cost to have custom made. This has been an opportunity to improve on the jacket's current design as there is a lot of inconsistency. I am currently held up though with trying to source the braid for the front of the jacket. Once I have the braid I will post research and projects photos.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Its Been a While

I have had a crazy year and have not got around to posting in ages. I have just started sewing again after a hiatus of 3 months. Since the middle of last year I have been working full time. On top of my other commitments, this has left me with very little spare time and energy. Before I took a break from sewing I had completed a few projects.

Firstly, I have finally completed my 1840s fan front dress. It was made using a woven striped cotton. The front is gathered into a point and the skirt was attached using cartridge pleating. I think it turned out very beautiful.

I also semi completed my wrapper. It was made using a green plaid cotton and plain green cotton inserts. I used the Laughing Moon Pattern and was very impressed at how few adjustments were required to get a great fit. I do not have many photos of it as of yet, but I will get more uploaded when I have made a few adjustments. I plan to adjust the length and close the front with buttons. This was a bit rushed in construction as I wanted to have it completed for the anniversary of the Eureka Stockade. The stockade was stormed in the early hours of the morning and there were records of women in their undress running to save their husbands and offer medical aid.