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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Bygone Millinery

For a while now I have been thinking about my millinery projects. Many of my hats, bonnets and caps have not ended up in posts due to my being time poor. In the past I have made some of these as gifts for friends. Last year, however, I sold an old bonnet that never suited my skin colouring. I had a lot of interest and received a lot of positive feedback regarding my bonnet design and construction. I also had requests for making items as trade deals and as purchased items. As a result I started my new hobby business 'Bygone Millinery'.

At the moment I am working on a few custom orders. Once they are completed I hope to make other items purely for sale as completed items. Below are a bonnet and cap that I have for sale currently, as well as a few items that I have made and not had time to post about this year. I also hope to post more how to posts in the coming months.

 Currently for Sale - Contact Me on the Facebook Link
Currently for Sale - Contact Me on the Facebook Link
 Custom Made Order
 My New Straw Sun Hat
Custom Ordered
Custom Ordered


  1. I wish you great success in your "Bygone Millinery" adventure! Your headwear is truly lovely!

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comments and thoughts.
