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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Busy Busy

This year has been very busy for me. I was blessed enough to gain a full time contract. It is a lot more work teaching full time and being responsible for the well-being and education of 20 amazing individuals. This leaves very little time for myself. I was also blessed enough to be granted permission to take leave from my work to attend the Anniversaries of the Battles of Ligny and Waterloo in Belgium. It was a very rushed trip as I only had 13 days in Europe.

I was privileged to be allowed onto the battlefield on the Saturday. Being a part of such a large scale reenactment was amazing. Its hard to describe the feeling of seeing that many men in the French lines. I was also lucky enough to get copies of these photos showing me taking care of the troops.

I am currently in the process of tailoring a new Brunswick Lieb Battalion private's jacket to send to Pakistan to have mass produced at a far smaller price than they currently cost to have custom made. This has been an opportunity to improve on the jacket's current design as there is a lot of inconsistency. I am currently held up though with trying to source the braid for the front of the jacket. Once I have the braid I will post research and projects photos.

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