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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Potage Printanier or Spring Soup Recipe, May 1869

Today we made the second recipe for May 1860 in the Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine.
1/2 pint (1cup) of peas, if in season
A little chevril
2 shredded lettuces
2 onions (I halved and thinly sliced these to match the lettuce as there were no directions)
A very small bunch of parsley
2oz (60g) of butter
3 egg yokes
1 pint (2 cups) of water
2 quarts (1.9L) of stock 
(Prepare the vegetables)
Put in a very clean stewpan, the chevril,  lettuces,  onions, parsley, and butter in 1 pint (2 cups) of water,  and let them simmer till tender.
Season with salt and pepper; when done,  strain off the vegetables and put two thirds of the liqour they were boiled in to the stock. 
Beat up the yokes of the eggs with the other third, give it a toss over the fire, and at the moment of serving, 
Add this with the vegetables which you strained off, to the soup. 
Time- 3/4 hour
Serves 8 people

This is a lovely light soup. It is very simple and easy to prepare. I would definitely recommend this soup in spring,  over the more common modern heavy soups. 

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