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Friday, November 30, 2012

Keeping Busy

I know I havent posted much of my sewing of late. I have just finished 2 small courses and a 4 week teaching placement block that have absorbed most of my time and energy. Now with a few months of holidays ahead of me I hope to get back into my sewing. I have a large number of unfinished projects that are screaming out from neglect.

To Do List
  • woven striped cotton pants 1850s for Nic (almost finished)
  • 1830s Frock Coat (grrrrrr, small doses.... on the collar atm)
  • 1830s dress for me (cut out)
  • 1866 mourning dress (bodice almost complete, one sleeve attached... looks at me with sad eyes across the room)
I think that this lot should keep me busy for the next month :-)

I have finished some tasks. Unfortunately, I have no photos of these. I have just completed hand sewing infants undergarments including a copy of an open shirt from the MET, stays, drawers and a petticoat from the Lady's Economical Assistant by Kanniks Korner dated 1808. I hope that I may be able to take photos of these in the future.

I have also finally after 2 years completed my blue drawstring dress. It now has the long sleeves attached. I will try to take some photos of this soon. I have also completed the linen fingerless gloves to wear with the dress. 

I hope everyone else is doing well with their projects over the holiday period.  

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