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Monday, July 2, 2012

Evening Odds and Ends

After a long day working on the larger projects its nice to cuddle up on the couch with a nice warm fire and do some small hand sewing projects while watching a nice show on tv.... or kittens attack each other if you have that option.
 Leopold and Dinah. 
Wonderful entertainment when not attacking my hand sewing or my sewing machine.

I am enjoying being so busy catching up on all those half finished or never started small projects that I keep in many little seal lock bags in a basket under the bench. Seeing that basket get fuller and fuller is very depressing, but finally I have started to get through it and it feels great. Three weeks of holidays to go and I am very happy with my progress so far.

 I have just finished this apron for Jessie, a very dear friend of mine. She has arthritis and so she struggles sometimes with cutting out and hand sewing, so I enjoy sewing small projects to help her out. This apron is made of a lovelly rough linen and makes a perfect work apron.

I have also made her this 1850s lace cap with some spare lace that she had from an old dress. It is a wonderfull feeling to give fabric a second life and to help out a friend.
The back of the lace cap.

As there was some of the linen from the apron left over, Jessie gave it to me to use to make myself a Regency work aron. It is amazing how quick they are to make with simple hand stitiching. I chose to make mine a cross over back to ensure the shoulders do not slip off while working. I am hoping this apron will come in a lot of use in the garden and when cooking over the fire on campaign. I am alos hoping the colour will do well to hide a lot of dirt and coal smudges I often seem to find on my dresses.

to be completed....

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