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Monday, January 18, 2010


I have been a member of a Victorian period living history group for about 6 months now. This is due to my partner who is a collecter and shooter of black power rifles. This hobby, of his, lead him to become a member of muliple living history and re-enactment military groups for both Regency/Napoleonic and 1850-60s. His passion has even lead him to partake in the re-enactment of Waterloo in 2005. His Victorian period (1850-60s) group is a South Australian volunteer rifles unit and has many living history functions. When we first started courting he encouraged me to become a member of a civilian Victorian living history group that could act as an outlet for my dorment interest in historical garments.

It is amazing how overwhelming the process of learning and creating garments can be. While I am lucky to have a great support group for sewing, this does not help with actual ability. I decided that while not fully period correct I would start out using simplicity patterns. I defend myself with the belief that before one can run, one must learn to walk. While I had learnt how to sew as a child, I had not used a machine for over 15 years and had to look the manual just to learn how to thread the machine.

Living history events are also very pushy for time. I had two weeks to create my first chemise, drawers and bodice ... cringe..... definately a daunting task. I am still very proud of my efforts and will always love my first garment. Thankfully the skirt was a gift from a new friend and mentor.
Once I had this outfit there was a little less pressure to sew for a while and I could focus on creating petticoats and a quality crinoline.

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